Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue...6 more days until we say I DO!
By Mama’s Minute - 7:47 AM
So, it's Oct. 4 and the BIG day will be here before we can do all that we need to.

Here's a bit about what's been going on:
On Friday night, Danielle and Callie pulled together an incredible group of ladies and we went out in MidTown. We definitely met some interesting people. We made lots of memories and had a rude but hilarious (now, at the time not so much) awakening at 5 am. The "ladies", if you
would call them that, were having a bit too much fun banging on furniture and yelling at the top of our lungs. After calling the front desk one time and the party not slowing down, my friend Ashley called and told the clerk very nicely at 5 am we would gladly call the ATL police if this didn't stop. IT STOPPED :)! We missed Callie due to her parent's home flooding and them
losing tons of family keepsakes that had been passed down several generations along with
their everyday items. Please check out this link to help.
On Saturday, my girls and I went down to Sugarland! We all met that afternoon and had a lingerie shower - ooohh la la! Then, we visited the Cheesecake Factory and tasted things that have too many calories for an entire weekly diet. We had the most hilariously, talented
waitress who was a "photographer" on the side. She was snapping them left and right! Then, we were off to the Sugarland concert where the rain held off. We danced, sang, and had a great time! Thank you girls for all you have done to make this time in my life a memorable one!
I had a fun experience with my dress...the only real bridezilla (if you can even call it that) moment I have had in public. I went to pick up my dress from the seamstress and the top was
still not snug enough. So, when I got home and showed Mom she said, "just call and get another appointment". I did, and we scheduled it for 2 Sundays before my wedding. This did not phase me because it was just the fact of taking it on the sides. So, I went in and got fitted a second time. Then, the seamstress says it will be done by October 5th. I don't know why, other than it was the straw that broke the camels back (me being the camel), I just began to sob right in the middle of the dress boutique. Shelia and Mom were there and giving me hugs and began
crying themselves. OH the stress of the wedding. The sweetest part was the sales girl handing me a tissue and a mom of another bride giving me a hug. There are still sweet strangers in this
world. Needless to say the shop owner called me back and said my dress would be ready by
Tuesday and she was going to pick it up herself. So, the dress was finished on September 29th instead and I got to have my bridal portrait session.
My bridal portrait, it's hard not to post these incredi
ble images yet. You know me and pictures are buddies! I am glad I have another buddy who can take AMAZING
pictures...she has the eye! Sara took me out on Saturday morning and captured some amazing photos. Right now they are in the editing process and about ready to be printed!
After the bridal session, it was off to work on our NEW HOME! The furniture we ordered was delivered along with the fridge. Mom and Hannah put together our breakfast table while I was away. Then, we did more cleaning...clean, clean, clean. Homes that sit = full of dust. It is coming along and Ryan and I are truly blessed with a wonderfully amazing family, friends that are there in good and bad times, and each other.