5 days ago
I hope you've had a great week so far! I have a ton on my to-do list, so I will try to write at the end of this week! Check out my classroom blog if you need some fun reading! Www.doss5th.blogspot.com
Check out how spiffy we are before work (and squinty eyed)!!!
Check out how spiffy we are before work (and squinty eyed)!!!
In my spare time in November (there was very little of that), I made a wreath out of a floral wire frame and 7" strips of burlap! Cheap . . . you know it! Time consuming . . . you bet! Worth it . . . YES! I have it hanging on my front door to greet all of our special guests! Erin, my sis, made the fabulous bow! I am so into red right now and love the way the red pops!
Happy Monday!
Happy Monday!
It's ok...that is my signature phrase! If you don't believe me, ask Julie! She cracks up when I say, "it's ok". It's about time I have written a post today.
It's ok . . .
that I haven't finished my ever-lengthy Christmas blog post.
that I haven't updated our fun and relaxed New Year's Eve post.
that I have a pile of MY laundry the size of Mt. Rushmore to finish. Ryan does his own, thank heavens!!!
that Lyla chewed up 1 of Ryan's running shoes, and he wears it to the gym with the back chunk torn off. *Oh no, what will people think about us? It's ok, right?!
that I have 3 crafts that are waiting in limbo for me to begin/finish!
I am linking up with Jamie to celebrate this wonderful week!
What a great day! I was so excited to see my kiddos return to school! I believe they all grew a foot and look like they are ready for middle school. They had so many fun stories to share about break!
I am loving a couple of things this Wednesday!
I love my new monogrammed phone cover that my sis and bro gave me for Christmas! Isn't it darling? They got it HERE at Lipstick Shades. It's a real Otterbox case that they add your monogram to.
I absolutely positively have been enjoying our dinners (and lunches) using this little gem! The George Foreman is a serious grill. I especially love seeing all the fat drop off and Ryno gets to stay inside and not FREEZE in the wind! We've been having some tasty grilled chicken and veggies this week!
I really am loving Revenge! Have you seen it? I'm watching it right now and have to stop typing to remind myself to breathe. It's full of suspense.
One Christmas present I asked for was the book "Kisses From Katie". I am very excited to read it! My Nannie and Papa bought it for me! Tonight I will begin reading about her adventure in Uganda. I pray God allows me to see his plan for me a bit clearer through this book. As I've written before, missions has been on my heart and this book really stood out to me while I was in Lifeway.
I hope you had a very blessed day! Tomorrow my kids return to school and I am excited to hear their stories from the break.
I hope you had a very blessed day! Tomorrow my kids return to school and I am excited to hear their stories from the break.
Last year was a year of goodness for Ryan and I. Our relationship with the Lord has been renewed and we are so grateful for another year of good health for us and our family. We are certainly blessed.
I have been able to cross a couple of things off of my 30 Before 30 which have made me very excited! 3 more years until I hit the big 3 - 0! That will be a celebration!
Here's what I can cross off NOW:
#9 - Running a 5k can be double crossed off! I did two and plan to do some this year as well!
#14 - Participating in more missions activities. While I have not gone out of the country, I have been able to give towards helping others in countries and in the US that need help. It feels nice to give to others that are not as fortunate. My prayer is that God is glorified through our giving, and we will be able to do even more in 2012!
#1 - Learn to sew was completed! Now, it's "find the time to sew". It's all thanks to my Mom. She has the patience not only to teach me, but to teach other ladies that want to learn! I'd say she's pretty AMAZING!
#16 - My EdS is COMPLETE! I am beside myself with all of this free time . . . yeah right! I have found things to fill that gap!
#24 - We made it back to MX! It was a trip that I never want to forget. . . except for that plane ride back!
#25 - Blogging has continued. If anything it has picked up more!
#26 - Deepen our spiritual relationship with God - This will always be on my list, but I am so happy that He has been our glue this year and helped our love grow even more.
#27 - Healthy eating is always something that I strive to accomplish, but this year I learned a lot more about what the proper nutrition does for your body.
#30 - Family time is super important to us. It's been so nice spending time with family and having them so close.
2011 was a wonderful year for us. We owe it all to our Heavenly Father!
There are some goals on the list that I am super close to and can't wait to see those get x'd off!
Here's to 2012!
What will YOU accomplish?
Happy January 2nd!
Tonight Ryan and I had a very serious conversation . . . planning for the rest of our life.
I didn't want to forget it, so I snapped a picture. One day far from now it will remind me of this conversation and the promise it held.
Do you like shakes?
Want one for breakfast?
Here's a great recipe I found on P.I.N.K. Method's sample diet last week.
I thought I'd try it . . . it didn't disappoint!
P.I.N.K. Shake
1 cup of skim milk
1 scoop of vanilla whey protein
1 cup of strawberries
When Christmas is over our house feels depressingly bare with the tree gone, the furniture back in place, and the angels missing from the mantle. This year I feel a theme of white coming on quick. I LOVE color, but my friend Sara over at Mixon Mania makes me want to keep it simple yet super classy! So, here is our mantle... **Excuse the lack of major photo quality due to my NEW iPhone 4S! Yeah baby!**