
28 + 29 Weeks...BUSY.

By Mama’s Minute - 1:26 PM
Time flies, doesn't it? It's already making me nervous because I know if it's zooming by now, it's really gonna fly when Vann is in our arms! How Far Along: 29 weeks & 2 Days Sleep: The last couple of nights were just uncomfortable. My bump has now gotten big enough that it pulls on me which puts pressure on my back and...

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Loving like He does!

By Mama’s Minute - 3:12 AM
This song is beyond powerful to start out your day! I hope it blesses someone like it blessed me on the way to church yesterday. It's hard to go through life and love like Jesus does. His love is so full of mercy and forgiveness, but when we do big things can happen. Others see Him through us and we glorify God! My favorite...

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27 weeks and 3 days!

By Mama’s Minute - 7:46 PM
How Far Along: 27 weeks & 3 Days Sleep: Yes, please. I want to sleep all of the time. Want is the key word here...I haven't gotten nearly the amount that I want! I feel SUPER tired this week. This is somewhat normal for the last week of school.  Best Moment This Week: Mother's Day gave me a sweet glimpse into what Mom...

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26 weeks...3.5 months remain!

By Mama’s Minute - 7:43 PM
How Far Along: 26 weeks Sleep: This week made me a bit exhausted! Taking 75 campers to 4H camp will do that! The cot didn't allow me to sleep the best, but it sure did make me grateful for my bed and comfy sheets.  Best Moment This Week: Seeing my hubby after being gone for two nights was definitely at the top of...

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