
Vann is 7 months!

By Mama’s Minute - 6:35 PM
On March 12th, Vann turned 7 months. Time moves so fast!   He is a ham, full of energy, and loves to smile! He is so quiet and then right before he goes to sleep or wakes up he babbles! He has to tell us all about what he is thinking. One word we continue to hear is "hey" and it definitely sounds...

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6 months

By Mama’s Minute - 6:22 AM
Six months! Six months! Are you kidding me? My baby boy is half a year old! He is the light of our life! Vann sleeps through the night and wakes us up with a smile. He makes the morning HAPPY and worth rising for! He's in size 6 month clothes, but will be heading to 9 months within a couple of weeks. He...

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