
9 Months Old

By Mama’s Minute - 6:50 AM
9 months old. 9 months old. Is this real life? How does it go by so quickly. It feels like we just found out that we were going to be parents. Health: At Vann's 9 month doctor appointment we didn't have to get any shots! That was a plus. Vann is in the bottom 5% of his weight, around 50% for his height,...

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10 Months

By Mama’s Minute - 6:49 AM
Vann turns 10 months today! Nutrition: He is busy exploring new foods! Some that he has been eating are: strawberries, sweet potatoes, green beans, sometimes broccoli, yellow squash, zucchini, chicken, cinnamon-raisin Ezekial bread with greek yogurt, bananas, cheerios, blueberries, grapes, pears, peaches, peas, rice, carrots, apples with cinnamon, and probably some others I am forgetting. Vann continues nursing and I am so happy...

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9 Months Old

By Mama’s Minute - 6:37 PM
9 months old. 9 months old. Is this real life? How does it go by so quickly. It feels like we just found out that we were going to be parents. Health: At Vann's 9 month doctor appointment we didn't have to get any shots! That was a plus. Vann is in the bottom 5% of his weight, around 50% for his height,...

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