5 days ago
Oh Maggie!
You are 4 months! You are so happy and such a sweet joy to all of us!
You SMILE so big and it gets even bigger when you see your brother. You think he is so funny.
You are a little more than 12 lbs, getting longer, and eating like a champ! You are nursing, but we get to add in cereal, an orange veggie, and a green one for now!
You have found your voice and use it lots. You love to squeal and giggle. You copy us and mimic sounds to "talk" back to us.
You are strong and can pull your self up when I give you my hands. You like to bop around on your legs.
You are sleeping in your crib now. You've done a great job with the transition. You like to be swaddled, but manage to get your arms out. Last night you had rolled onto your side and slept like that for a bit.
You stayed overnight at Mimi and Papa's and did a great job.
You will finally take a bottle from us. We were afraid you weren't going to drink one while we were gone to TX, but you did! Mimi and Lolli had the magic touch!
You roll from your back to tummy and tummy to back!
You wear 6 month or 3-6 month clothes for the most part. You've been enjoying wearing some of Ava's clothes that she is letting you borrow. Your cousin has some good style going on, so you get the benefit!
You LOVE bath time. You can be upset/done for the day and I give you a bath and all is right in the world.
We love you to the moon and back beautiful girl!
You are 3! Happy Birthday!
You are the coolest boy I know and I am so happy that God gave us you!
When I think back on all you've learned and done this year it blows me away! Sometimes I forget you're only 3. You can do so much on your own now. You're an awesome big brother and love Maggie so much.
You've turned into a fish this summer in the pool.
You really like going to church and learning in your small group.
You can dress yourself.
You use the potty like a big boy.
You sleep in your big boy bed.
You talk so well and use big words like "fantastic"! (My favorite was when you said "great-tastic"!!)
You have lots of friends and pray for them nightly.
You say the prayer at dinner for our family.
You spend time at Mimi and Papa's and love riding the Gator.
You can use your pedals on your tricycles.
You can count to 20.
You are a big helper and put your dishes away, help with laundry, and get things for Maggie.
You love Lyla and are great with her.
You greet Daddy when he gets home with a big "Daddy" or "Dad" and a huge hug!
You still like to sleep with your bita and need your tags in your hand before you fall asleep.
You wake up each morning with your alarm clock that turns green at 7 am!
This year for your birthday you started requesting a super hero theme around May! That's what I went with and then around July it began changing from super heroes to Pirate Jake to Paw Patrol to lots more! Daddy and I know how much you love the trampoline park, so we went with the super hero theme and Rush!
You woke up the day of your party and said, "I'm so 'cited!" Lots of your friends came and jumped with you to celebrate the big day. You enjoyed pizza and cupcakes that Lolli made. You were so excited to open up all of your presents and this year you got a lot of trucks, Paw Patrol gear, and fun learning goodies!
What a fun year it's been and a great celebration with sweet family and friends! Here's to another year. I am reminding myself to slow down and enjoy it because 3 years have gone entirely too quick!