
33 Weeks

By Mama’s Minute - 1:31 PM

It's been too long since I have done a bump update. Here's my belly at 30 weeks when we were visiting my sis in NY.

Here's the Maggie bump at 33 weeks. 

Growth: My Baby Bump App is Comparing Maggie to a Durian fruit which I can't say I have ever seen in my life. She's around 17-19 inches and around 4 and a 1/2 lbs. While she's awake she's keeping her eyes open, coordinating her breathings with sucking and swallowing, her bones are hardening, and of course she's going through major brain development. 

My Symptoms: Hello Third Trimester exhaustion. It's partly pregnancy, but a big part allergies that have wiped me out. Last Monday night I started this little cough and by Thursday I was in bed. Vann was a trooper letting me relax, if only I was easier on myself. Mommy guilt kept creeping in and I felt like I needed to be more active which was making me worse. My daddy came over on Thursday after work and Friday afternoon to entertain Vann and let me rest. Ryan was awesome to come home each night from already working hard, made dinner for us, and did all of Vann's nightly routine. Saturday I stayed in bed all day and finally was feeling better on Sunday. So, I am hoping to fully kick the nasty cough and get rid of this crud this week! 

Gender: Sweet girl! 

Maternity Clothes: Oh yes, and some awesome sweatpants I bought in a medium on sale at the Gap. Ryan calls me Missy Elliott and even started singing all of her songs one night. Thank God for his humor that keeps me laughing. 

Movement: Most definitely! I am not sure if she's ever still. Dr. Ward reminded me at this point babies are pretty much going to act like they do in the womb when they arrive in our arms. Oh boy, we may be in for another active baby! I am obsessed with feeling her kick, but my boys don't get as excited. This is probably because as soon as I tell them to check out the kicks she stops! I sat down at our small group meeting and my belly looked like it was bouncing all around. 

Sleep: With the sinus stuff, sleep was really non-existent. I took a Tylenol PM last night and the night before and got the best sleep in a long time. The serving says 2, but I tried 1 and it did the trick. Thanks to my dr for reminding me it's ok to take that to get rest and fight the crud. 

Cravings/Aversions: I am not a huge fan of recipes that have onions in them, so even if they call for it I don't add it in. I can say that I am in love with Vanilla shakes and a scoop of peanut butter every morning. And I am getting to the point that I can't eat a lot or I am beyond full, uncomfortable, and can't breathe! 

Appointment: I had my 32 week appt last week and all was well. She's measuring great, heart rate was 135 and strong, and all of my stats checked out good. 

Accomplishments: Hmmm. I haven't accomplished as much as I would like, but Ryan's mama ordered our glider for the nursery, I got an awesome deal on a Mamaroo ($90) and it's in great condition, Erin has gotten several cute things for Maggie including a pillow for her glider in the same pattern as her sheets. There is still lots to do, but it will get done. If not, Ryan reminds me that we have essentials: milk, clothes, diapers (well, not yet but we could if necessary), and a place to let Maggie sleep. 

Best Pregnancy Moment of the Week: I'd say I love seeing how excited Vann is to meet his sister. He has big plans to get her a baby doll and has requested that she get him a dump truck he can show her how to play with. 

Work Outs: Besides my daily mom workout: lifting a 30 lb 2 year old, cleaning the house on the regular, and moving things around getting ready for a new baby... I am adding in more squats and leg workouts. 

Thoughts: We are so excited to meet you Miss Maggie Katherine! I am so ready to see your big brother's face when he meets you for the first time. I am pretty sure you already have Daddy wrapped around your finger, go easy on him. 

Fun Facts: 
  • weight gain: 27ish lbs and going strong! I am glad to see this is what I had packed on with Vann as well. 
  • stretch marks: None yet!
  • mood: happy and smiley! It's hard not to smile when people around you are being so sweet and complimenting a lot.
  • belly button: It is completely flat today but any day now I expect for it to pop out! 
  • wedding rings: yep!

Goals for next week: 
*Pack hospital bag (mine, Ryan's, and Vann's overnight bag)
*Clean baby car seat
*Put nursery together
*Make freezer meals with 40 lbs of chicken I am picking up next week

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