
34 Weeks with Maggie!

By Mama’s Minute - 6:17 PM

And just like that, we have 6ish weeks left before we welcome Miss Maggie home! Here's the Maggie bump at 34 weeks. 

Growth: Maggie is still growing and I can tell because my belly is FULL of baby! She is around 17-19 inches and around 4-6 lbs. She should have all of her fingernails now and they reach the tip of her fingers. 

My Symptoms: I have almost kicked the cough. It's been the most annoying part of the cold I started about 2 weeks ago. I will be so happy to not cough, and I know Ryan will as well. Other than that, I have been able to breathe a bit better the last two days and that makes me HAPPY! 

Gender: Sweet girl! 

Maternity Clothes: Yep! The weather on Sunday and the past few days has been a taste of spring. I was able to go into my stash of maternity clothes from when I had Vann and use one of my favorite shirts. That was very exciting and hopefully the weather is just as good so I can use one of my dresses on Sunday for church and my cousin's baby shower. 

Movement: She's a little rockstar. Today she hasn't stopped moving. I am thinking I can tell how she's positioned and boy I hope I am right. My sis will be home on Friday and can feel my belly to make sure. I think she's head down, but her feet are now in my right rib instead of my left! 

Sleep: This week it's been going well. I had been avoiding my boppy body pillow because I was already getting really warm at night with the heat on, but with the weather the past few nights we've been able to turn the fan on. I took out the pillow last week and have slept pretty well! 

Cravings/Aversions: I am ready for fresh fruit to come into season. I am loving salads for lunch and my vanilla shake each morning. At dinner my eyes get bigger than my stomach is, and each night when Ryan and I sit down to relax I have a spoonful of peanut butter with some chocolate chips on top. 

Appointment: I have my 34 week appt this week, so hopefully it will go well! 

Accomplishments: Maggie's closet is a bit closer to being ready for her. I have gotten her room a tad more organized. I bought some laundry detergent to wash her clothes, now I just need to wash them. I washed her carseat liner (Vann's carseat originally). I also prepped and placed 40 lbs of chicken into freezer bags Monday. So, I have lots of chicken ready for crockpot meals when Maggie arrives. 

Best Pregnancy Moment of the Week: We took our big boy to the circus this weekend and he did really well. It was a great time to spend as a family and Maggie was bee-bopping around to all of the circus music. 

Thoughts: Maggie, To see pink floral clothing that is replacing your brother's blue clothes is making your birth even more real. We are on a daily countdown: 43, 42, 41...we can't wait to meet you and I am especially excited for your daddy and brother to hold you. 

Fun Facts: 
  • weight gain: 27ish lbs and going strong! It fluctuates a couple pounds but has been pretty consistent. 
  • stretch marks: None on the belly! 
  • mood: feeling very excited and nervous about what's to come!! 
  • belly button: It's still flat but when I cough it pops out! 
  • wedding rings: yep!

Goals for next week: 
*Pack hospital bag (mine, Ryan's, and Vann's overnight bag)

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  1. She will be here soon. Can't wait to meet little miss Maggie!
