23 Weeks
How far along? 23 weeks
Baby: Our little lady is growing by the second! Now, she's the size of a grapefruit weighing in at a whopping 12.7 oz - 20.8 oz. She was 11 oz 4 weeks ago, so I am pretty sure she's in the middle of that range. She could also be anywhere from 10.5 - 11.8 inches...crazy she's almost a foot long in my belly!
Total weight gain: 14 lbs
Maternity clothes? After wearing my regular jeans (unbuttoned and zipped halfway) with my BellaBand I finally had ENOUGH! I have a few pairs of jeans from my sweet friend Mal, but I needed some dressier ones that fit in my boots. I found some at Old Navy and also grabbed a pair of their black pixie pants to dress up my outfits I would typically wear leggings with. My maternity leggings are a bit thin to make it through the winter and last 4 months. My new maternity purchases were delivered yesterday and they fit great! That makes this prego mama happy and I am sure if my regular jeans could talk they'd thank me for not stretching them more and more!
Stretch marks? None on my belly!
Sleep: Rolling from side to side is getting to be a chore! I am about to pull my big boppee pillow out again to give the belly some support!
Best moment this week: This has been such a fun week full of Christmas fun! Friday Ryan and I had a much needed date night to a great spot in Athens called Hilltop Grille and did a little Christmas shopping afterwards. Saturday was our sweet niece Ava's birthday party. She is precious! The worship service on Sunday was incredible and so needed! We enjoyed our small group on Monday evening and got together with their families. The kids had a blast at a house that was decked out for Christmas with lights, a tiny village, and more! Tuesday afternoon we spent time celebrating Christmas with our sweet neighbors visiting with Santa Cow and seeing some seriously great Christmas lights. And Wednesday was our handsome boy's Christmas play that he was super cute in and we enjoyed lunch and treats afterwards. It's been busy, but OH SO GOOD!
Movement: We have a WiLd woman on our hands! She has really strong movements and I can feel her kicking a lot on my right side! Ryan and Vann have gotten to experience it as well!
Food cravings: I am still digging the Olive Garden dressing! Eggs are a craving in the morning! I love our Gingerbread bars (so do Ryan and Vann)! AND it's Christmas...oh my stars! The treats are awesome, but trying not to go overboard.
Symptoms: I am reminded that my sense of smell is still highly elevated in certain situations...sometimes it's a bit too much!