I am so excited about 2013! One HUGE reason is the fact that Jan.
1st is going to be a huge celebration of people reclaiming their health
and making great decisions for their future! You all have seen my posts about AdvoCare
and what it has done for some of my awesome friends and family, and now
it's your turn!
Tomorrow, AdvoCare has several great products on sale!
1. 24 Day Challenge is on SALE for $175:
is the incredible system that I started on at the very end of March! I knew after 3 days
that something was different! AdvoCare
helped me drop 7 lbs in 3.5 weeks after I was already eating great and
working out. I didn't think that could ever happen! It made me feel so GOOD and ALIVE! I have
maintained that weight loss and dropped more making my total 10 lbs and
staying strong! I feel awesome, have energy, and love the effect it has
on my life!
2. A new product is HERE! The 24 Day Challenge and Beyond:
this is the 24 Day Challenge and the max phase that I stay on until it's
time for another cleanse. You are getting the DVD, which I will share
in a second, along with a free bottle of Catalyst. This system comes
with awesome training, great nutrition, and you have everything you need
to maximize your results!
Another super cool part about this product is
... IF YOU ORDER ON JANUARY 1st, you will be entered to win an
all-expense paid for two vacation to Hawaii! AdvoCare doesn't play on
it's rewards and vacations! Several of my close friends have gotten to
enjoy an AdvoCare trip: Paris, Phoenix, and many will be on the Hawaii
trip! I know I will be ordering this product to get my name entered into
this amazing trip, save on shipping, and have my core nutrition for the
rest of the winter! NO BRAINER!!
3. Can You 24? DVD:
DVD is no joke! It has 7 workouts that are 24 minutes or less. There
are top notch trainers that are incredible athletes giving us
instruction. These circuit exercises require NO equipment and don't take
up a huge chunk of time! No excuses...right!?! I am pumped as well because they have a
ColorTrack system that allows you to modify your workout from beginner,
intermediate, and advanced...ANYONE can do them! Check out the workouts
and coaches here!
4. AdvoCare is offering $40,000 in cash prizes!
definitely want to win a part of this. It's super easy! Get your
challenge and dvd, follow the easy system, sign up to win a piece of
your pie! There are 40 winners - 20 males and 20 females who will each
earn $1,000 for transforming their lives! All you have to do is head
over to www.canyou24.com and click on the link TRANSFORMATION CONTEST!
This is open to everyone who signs up to become a member and earn 20% -
40% off of products! The contest signup opens up Jan. 2nd - Jan. 15th!
Check out some of these stories to see HOW lives have been changed in 2012!
{My beautiful sis has seen 25 lbs fall off and she is ready to start the New Year and make some more disappear! Super proud of her!}
{My quick story}
{Pink swimsuit is AFTER a couple of months using the products! Muscle definition!!
Red swimsuit...DAY ONE! We all start somewhere and mine just happened to be during the time of year I am a bit pale! }
{One of my favorite moments this year...slipping on jeans I hadn't worn in a few seasons and having no issue putting them on! No price tag on that!}
{My hot hubby is a daily user of AdvoCare as well and I am so proud of him! He is down 25 lbs and will be starting his 3rd Challenge this week! Each time you do it, you get better results! }
{Sarah and I go way back! She has been using AdvoCare since the summer and has dropped 33 lbs! She looks amazing and says the feeling is unbelievable! Everytime I see a new picture of her I scream! I am incredibly proud of her and what she has accomplished!}
{Melissa and I started AdvoCare around the same time! She came over to my house for the 2nd mixer I'd ever had! She has big goals and she's almost accomplished them! She has lost nearly 100 lbs and will do it by February! The motivation she gives to others is awesome and I am super proud of her!}
2013 has potential to be the VERY best year for you and your health with the help of AdvoCare's top of the line health and wellness supplements! I will never go a day without placing this extreme nutrition in my body! I love what it's done for my family in so many ways! I want to help you reach your goals!! Let's go!
Click the AdvoCare link on my blog to head straight to the store OR leave a comment with you email address so I can answer your questions!