Vann is 2 Weeks Old!

By Mama’s Minute - 5:36 PM

Vann is two weeks old! 
August 20th - 26th
 I can't get over how much he's changed from birth until now. We had a busy week, but we are starting to settle in and get somewhat used to life's new routines.
What Vann's Up To:  This week was so nice having Daddy home with us still. We love that he took two weeks off. Vann has made himself right at home. He is sleeping in his Rock N Play right next to my side of the bed. As long as his arms are swaddled in while he is asleep, he stays asleep for the whole 3 hours before he wakes up to nurse. If his arms get loose, he flails them around and wakes himself up!
Emily and Andy came up from FL to visit on their way to NC. Emily made him a gorgeous blanket that is so perfect. Andy kept us entertained with all of his questions. Vann was completely spoiled. We had an amazing lunch that Em and Erin picked up from Sugar and Spice! Shout out to Kimberly for having the best restaurant; she can make chicken salad like nobody's business! Thanks for coming over Emily and Andy. We are PRAYING you move close asap!
Jessica came to see Vann as well! 
We took our first grocery trip with Gran this week. Daddy went golfing with Matthew, so we decided to run some errands. Thank heaven for Mom aka Gran because she pushed one buggy with the groceries while I pushed Vann in the other. I don't know how I will grocery shop alone while he is so little. There's not enough room for the car seat + groceries. Everyone in Publix would peak over the cart and check our little handsome man out. What's the first thing they would say? Oh my goodness, look at all that hair! Then, they would comment on how perfect he looks. I am one proud mama because not only is he easy on the eyes, but he is what makes my heart beat even stronger!

He also got half of his newborn session in. We were there for two hours, but Vann didn't want to cooperate after the first hour. He got hungry and didn't ever fall into a deep sleep. We will be back to get some family shots and a couple more prop shots. The previews Brittany from Nine Sixteen photography put up are amazing! I can't wait to see the rest and create our announcements! 

On the 26th, we celebrated Gran's birthday and had her over for a dinner at our house. She loved snuggling with Vann, and we all enjoyed eating the chocolate and peanut butter cake that Auntie E whipped up.
Health: We didn't go to the doctor anymore this week, but we have an appointment on Wednesday. We are praying for more good news. I am so thankful the jaundice is all cleared up. My little boy isn't rockin' his tan anymore, but he still has beautiful coloring. His hair is still intact (everyone is betting it's gonna fall out and come back blonde...not if he's like his Mama :) ). He is growing and changing everyday. It kills me when Ryan tells him he's growing up. I guess this is why so many parents say they wish they could make time stand still.
His little bellybutton fell off at the end of the week. Ryan noticed it was missing when he changed his diaper one morning. We checked in the pocket of his swaddle and there it was! We could now give him a real bath! Ryan kept asking me if I wanted to save it... No thank you. I mean, I love to save things, but I can do without that! I am pretty sure he didn't want to save it either, but he wanted to give me a hard time. Lyla would have thought it was a snack!
Nursing: This week has been so much better! We are getting into our routine. This week went pretty much like this: sleep, eat, change diapers (sometimes clothing if we had an accident), sleep, eat, change diapers, etc. We would work in his sponge bath nightly and wash all that hair! I have my little setup that consists of the boppy, bib, burp cloth, and something to read while I nurse. Sometimes I will read to him and sometimes I will read The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding by the La Leche League. This is another great book for the new mom. It really helps you understand the different phases, what your body is doing, and the how-to of nursing.

{Daddy feeding Vann for the first time. Now, if only I could pump enough for this to happen regularly!}

Baby Stuff We LOVE: Fisher Price Rock 'N' Play Sleeper, Miracle Blanket Swaddle, Lansinoh Lanolin, Pampers Swaddlers, baby gowns, Medela Contact Nipple Shield, Boppy pillow, Britax B-Agile stroller and B-Safe car seat, and Padalily Car Seat Padded Wrap.

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  1. Aw, sweet Vann! What about trying a sling for the grocery store? I loved it with Asher although at 5 months he was not really into being in it for too long. But, with Vann being itty bitty, it would be easy!

  2. Vann is so precious and he has so much hair! Congrats on having a baby!

