By Mama’s Minute - 3:50 AM

I have been MIA on my blog for sure, and it's for a good reason! We have tons of positive things that are going on in our life! That's still a bad reason, right? Especially since I am keeping this blog to look back at one day! 

Well, even amidst all of the positive, there's still what I like to call REAL LIFE and I am trying to deal with it. 

There's always a bigger purpose and a reason that God wants us to travel down a path and LEARN from it. 

So, after I get all upset and over-analyze something, I finally come back down to God's PURPOSE. 

What does he want me to learn from this?

Why am I in a certain situation?

How do I better the people or event around me?

Who do I trust for guidance?

He steadies me in life. I can't imagine not having God's balance and feeling like I didn't have someone BIGGER than myself to lean on. I figured if I go through this then others probably do too. I wanted to cheer you all on your journey as well and give some inspiration.

 Happy Monday!

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