I am a bit late, but Happy Father's Day!

By Mama’s Minute - 10:00 AM

{on the boat with Dad}

{wearing Daddy's boots}

{on the 4 wheeler in Hiawassee}

{at Auntie Ann & Uncle Bryan's wedding}

{Our Father - Daughter Dance - YOUTUBE}
I couldn't ever replace my Daddy with anyone cooler and I thought about that more than ever this Father's day. Nearly losing him does that for me! Thank you Daddy for my cool nickname, my fishing lessons, our serious and funny talks, making me laugh, teaching me the value of a dollar, being a NOT normal dad, showing love to mom, and taking care of our family! I could not ask for more! Trace Adkins sings the song posted below. My mom shared it with me a week and a half ago. Don't pay attention too much, tears are possible. Love you Daddy!

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