March Madness

By Mama’s Minute - 6:42 PM

Join March Madness here at Britney's blog.

Here's what we have to do: Introduce yourself and your goals for March Madness. What do you want to see yourself accomplish in 4 weeks?

My name is Dana, teacher, part-time photographer and wife! I am headed to beach soon and want to get toned! Specifically my tummy and, here's my plan.

M: Run/walk on treadmill for an hour.
T: hula hoop for 20 min.
W: hula hoop for 20 min.
Th: Run/walk on treadmill for an hour.
Fri: Run/walk on treadmill for an hour.

Continue to eat all natural (as much as I can) and count my calories using LiveStrong MyPlate app.

Beach body baby!

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  1. does this mean your booty is better??? ;)

  2. haha! You know it girl!! It's been better for about 3 weeks - no more excuses!
